Show last authors
1 {{include reference="Help.Code.VelocityMacros" /}}
3 {{velocity output="false"}}
4 #if ($hasAdmin)
5 #set ($section = 'XWiki.Extensions')
6 #if (!$xwiki.exists($section))
7 ## Support for pre-9.2RC1 Administration Application
8 #set ($section = 'XWiki.AddExtensions')
9 #end
10 #set ($browseAppsURL = $xwiki.getURL('XWiki.XWikiPreferences', 'admin', "section=${section}&search=application&repo=recommended"))
11 #else
12 #set ($browseAppsURL = '')
13 #end
15 #set ($actionCards = [{
16 'title': 'Create your application',
17 'description': 'Define the structure of your data, customize it and create the application you want.',
18 'tip': "<a href="""" class=""wikiexternallink"">App Within Minutes</a> helps you build applications without having technical knowledge.",
19 'thumbnail': 'AWM',
20 'actions': [{
21 'label': 'Try it!',
22 'type': 'success',
23 'url': $xwiki.getURL('AppWithinMinutes.CreateApplication')
24 }, {
25 'label': 'Demo',
26 'url': $xwiki.getURL('Help.Applications.Movies')
27 }]
28 }, {
29 'title': 'Browse applications',
30 'description': 'Choose from community contributed applications and install them inside your wiki.',
31 'tip': "<a href="""" class=""wikiexternallink"">Extension Manager</a> helps you manage (install, update, uninstall) your applications.",
32 'thumbnail': 'EM',
33 'actions': [{
34 'label': 'Browse',
35 'url': $browseAppsURL
36 }]
37 }])
39 #set ($exampleCards = [{
40 'title': 'Blog',
41 'description': 'Blog Application allows you to publish your information and share it to the world.',
42 'documentation': '',
43 'icon': 'fa fa-rss',
44 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@blog.png'
45 }, {
46 'title': 'Forum',
47 'description': 'Forum Application allows you to create new categories and discuss topics within them.',
48 'documentation': '',
49 'icon': 'fa fa-comments',
50 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@forum.png'
51 }, {
52 'title': 'Menu',
53 'description': 'Menu Application helps you create navigation menus and displayed them in your instance.',
54 'documentation': '',
55 'icon': 'fa fa-list-ul',
56 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@menu.png'
57 }, {
58 'title': 'Ideas',
59 'description': 'Ideas Application encourage you to submit ideas that can be voted by your team. ',
60 'documentation': '',
61 'icon': 'fa fa-lightbulb-o',
62 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@ideas.png'
63 }, {
64 'title': 'Meetings',
65 'description': 'Meetings Application manages your meetings mentioning the date, location, participants, etc. ',
66 'documentation': '',
67 'icon': 'fa fa-calendar',
68 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@meeting.png'
69 }, {
70 'title': 'File Manager',
71 'description': 'File Manager manages your files, providing a viewer of supported files, tag cloud and allowing filtering.',
72 'documentation': '',
73 'icon': 'fa fa-folder',
74 'thumbnail': 'Help.Applications.WebHome@filemanager.png'
75 }])
76 {{/velocity}}
78 {{velocity}}
79 {{html clean="false"}}
80 <div class="row">
81 #foreach ($card in $actionCards)
82 ## See .
83 #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 2 == 0)
84 <div class="clearfix visible-sm-block visible-md-block visible-lg-block"></div>
85 #end
86 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6">
87 #helpActionCard($card)
88 </div>
89 #end
90 </div>
91 <h3 id="HExamples">Examples</h3>
92 <p>Need help or confused with some of our applications? Check out their documentation and find out more about their functionality.</p>
93 <div class="row">
94 #foreach ($card in $exampleCards)
95 ## See .
96 #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 2 == 0)
97 <div class="clearfix visible-sm-block "></div>
98 #end
99 #if ($foreach.index > 0 && $foreach.index % 3 == 0)
100 <div class="clearfix visible-md-block visible-lg-block"></div>
101 #end
102 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4">
103 #helpExampleCard($card)
104 </div>
105 #end
106 </div>
107 <p><a href="" class="wikiexternallink">View more applications</a></p>
108 {{/html}}
109 {{/velocity}}


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