Show last authors
1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #set ($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use('Help.Code.VelocityMacros'))
3 #set ($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('Help.Code.VelocityMacros'))
4 #set ($docextras = [])
6 #macro (helpActionCard $data)
7 <div class="well">
8 <h3>$escapetool.xml($data.title)</h3>
9 <div class="row">
10 <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-7">
11 <p>$data.description</p>
12 <p class="noitems">$data.tip</p>
13 #foreach ($action in $data.actions)
14 #set ($actionType = $action.type)
15 #if ("$!actionType" == '')
16 #set ($actionType = 'default')
17 #end
18 <a href="$action.url" class="btn btn-$actionType">
19 $escapetool.xml($action.label)
20 </a>
21 #end
22 </div>
23 <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-5">
24 #helpVideoPopup($data.title $data.thumbnail)
25 </div>
26 </div>
27 </div>
28 #end
30 #macro (helpVideoPopup $title $fileNamePrefix)
31 #set ($id = $stringtool.substringBeforeLast($fileNamePrefix, '.'))
32 <a href="#" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#${id}Modal">
33 <video class="thumbnail" autoplay loop muted>
34 #helpVideoSources($fileNamePrefix)
35 </video>
36 </a>
37 <div class="modal fade video-modal" id="${id}Modal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="${id}ModalLabel">
38 <div class="modal-dialog modal-lg" role="document">
39 <div class="modal-content">
40 <div class="modal-header">
41 <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
42 <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
43 </button>
44 <h4 class="modal-title" id="${id}ModalLabel">$!escapetool.xml($title)</h4>
45 </div>
46 <div class="modal-body">
47 <video controls autoplay>
48 #helpVideoSources($fileNamePrefix)
49 </video>
50 </div>
51 <div class="modal-footer">
52 <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button>
53 </div>
54 </div>
55 </div>
56 </div>
57 #end
59 #macro (helpVideoSources $fileNamePrefix)
60 #set ($attachments = [])
61 #set ($attachment = $doc.getAttachment($fileNamePrefix))
62 #if ($attachment)
63 #set ($discard = $attachments.add($attachment))
64 #else
65 #foreach ($attachment in $doc.attachmentList)
66 #if ($stringtool.startsWith($attachment.filename, $fileName))
67 #set ($discard = $attachments.add($attachment))
68 #end
69 #end
70 #end
71 #foreach ($attachment in $attachments)
72 <source src="$doc.getAttachmentURL($attachment.filename)" type="$escapetool.xml($attachment.mimeType)" />
73 #end
74 #end
76 #macro (helpExampleCard $data)
77 #set ($documentationURL = $NULL)
78 #if ($data.documentation)
79 #set ($externalDocumentation = $data.documentation.contains('://'))
80 #if ($externalDocumentation)
81 #set ($documentationURL = $data.documentation)
82 #else
83 #set ($documentationURL = $xwiki.getURL($data.documentation))
84 #end
85 #end
86 #set ($examplesURL = $NULL)
87 #if ($data.examples)
88 #if ($data.examples.startsWith('/'))
89 ## Relative internal URL
90 #set ($examplesURL = $data.examples)
91 #else
92 ## Page reference
93 #set ($examplesURL = $xwiki.getURL($data.examples))
94 #end
95 #set ($url = $examplesURL)
96 #else
97 #set ($url = $documentationURL)
98 #end
99 <div class="well">
100 <h6>
101 <a href="$!url">
102 #if ($data.icon)
103 <span class="icon $data.icon"></span>
104 #end
105 $escapetool.xml($data.title)
106 </a>
107 </h6>
108 #if ($data.description)
109 <p class="noitems">
110 $data.description
111 </p>
112 #end
113 #if (($data.examples && $data.documentation) || !$data.thumbnail)
114 <ul class="noitems">
115 #if ($data.examples)
116 <li>
117 <a href="$examplesURL">See examples</a>
118 </li>
119 #end
120 #if ($data.documentation)
121 <li>
122 <a href="$documentationURL"#if ($externalDocumentation) class="wikiexternallink"#end>
123 Learn more
124 </a>
125 </li>
126 #end
127 </ul>
128 #end
129 #if ($data.thumbnail)
130 <a href="$!url">
131 #set ($attachmentReference = $services.model.resolveAttachment($data.thumbnail))
132 <img src="$xwiki.getURL($attachmentReference)" class="thumbnail"
133 alt="$escapetool.xml($" />
134 </a>
135 #end
136 </div>
137 #end
138 {{/velocity}}


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