Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 #set ($columnsProperties = {
3 'longText1': {"type":"text","filterable":false,"sortable":false,"html":true},
4 'doc.title': {"type":"text","size":20,"displayName":"Name","link":"view"},
5 'staticList1': {"type":"list","size":10},
6 'date1': {"type":"text","size":10,"html":true},
7 '_actions': {"sortable":false,"filterable":false,"html":true,"actions":["edit","delete"]}
8 })
9 #set ($options = {
10 'className': 'Help.Applications.Contributors.Code.ContributorsClass',
11 'translationPrefix': 'contributors.livetable.',
12 'tagCloud': true,
13 'rowCount': 15,
14 'maxPages': 10,
15 'selectedColumn': 'longText1',
16 'defaultOrder': 'asc'
17 })
18 #set ($columns = ['longText1', 'doc.title', 'staticList1', 'date1', '_actions'])
19 #livetable('contributors' $columns $columnsProperties $options)
20 {{/velocity}}


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