Show last authors
1 {{velocity}}
2 #set($displayDashboard = true)
3 #if ($xcontext.user != 'XWiki.XWikiGuest')
4 ## get the preferences of the current user
5 #set($userDbPrefs = $xwiki.getDocument($xcontext.user).getObject('Dashboard.UserDashboardPreferencesClass'))
6 #if ($userDbPrefs)
7 ## if the object exists, use the object value
8 #set($prefValue = $userDbPrefs.getProperty('displayOnMainPage').value)
9 #else
10 ## if the object does not exist, use the default value of the property in the class
11 #set($userPrefClass = $xwiki.getClass('Dashboard.UserDashboardPreferencesClass'))
12 #set($displayOnMainPageProp = $userPrefClass.get('displayOnMainPage'))
13 #set($prefValue = $displayOnMainPageProp.getProperty('defaultValue').value)
14 #end
15 #if ($prefValue && $prefValue > 0)
16 #set($dashboardObjects = $xwiki.getDocument($xcontext.user).getObjects('XWiki.GadgetClass'))
17 #if ($dashboardObjects.size() > 0)
18 {{dashboard source = "$xcontext.user" /}}
19 #set($displayDashboard = false)
20 #else
21 #set($editDashboardLabel = $services.localization.render(''))
22 #set($editDashboardUrl = $xwiki.getURL($xcontext.user, 'inline', 'category=dashboard'))
23 {{info}}{{html}}$services.localization.render('', ["<a href='${editDashboardUrl}'>$editDashboardLabel</a>"]){{/html}}{{/info}}
24 #set($displayDashboard = true)
25 #end
26 #end
27 #end
29 #if($displayDashboard)
30 {{dashboard/}}
31 #end
33 {{/velocity}}


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