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1 {{velocity output="false"}}
2 #macro (displayAppEntry $params)
3 #if ($params.icon.startsWith('icon:'))
4 #set ($icon = $services.icon.renderHTML($params.icon.substring(5)))
5 #else
6 #set ($icon = $services.rendering.render($services.rendering.parse("image:${params.icon}", 'xwiki/2.1'),
7 'xhtml/1.0'))
8 #end
9 <li>
10 <a href="$xwiki.getURL($, 'view', $!{params.targetQueryString})" title="$escapetool.xml($params.label)">
11 <span class="application-img">$icon</span>
12 <span class="application-label">$escapetool.xml($params.label)</span>
13 </a>
14 </li>
15 #end
17 #macro (maybeDisplayAppEntry $uix $configDoc)
18 #set ($params = $uix.getParameters())
19 #set ($blackListObj = $configDoc.getObject('PanelsCode.ApplicationsPanelBlackListClass', 'applicationId', $
20 #set ($targetReference = $services.model.resolveDocument($
21 #if (!$blackListObj && "$!params.icon" != '' && "$!params.label" != '' && "$!" != ''
22 && $'view', $targetReference))
23 #displayAppEntry($params)
24 #end
25 #end
27 #macro (displayAppEntries $extensionPointId $configDoc)
28 #foreach ($uix in $services.uix.getExtensions($extensionPointId, {'sortByParameter': 'label'}))
29 #maybeDisplayAppEntry($uix $configDoc)
30 #end
31 #end
32 {{/velocity}}


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